Admission & Withdrawal Guidelines
- Candidates to be admitted to play group should be a minimum of 2.5 years of age as on 1st of April. A
meeting of the child together with the parents is required prior to the admission. Candidates seeking
admission to all other classes are to sit for an admission test on a date fixed by the school.
- Registration for admission is to be done at the time notified every year. (December 1)
- Parents or guardians should take care to fill in the correct date of birth and the name of the applicant in
the application form. No subsequent changes will be permitted for any reason whatsoever.
- Admission to children in class I and above who have attended other schools, is granted only after they
have produced a Transfer Certificate from the former school.
- A written application for transfer certificate should be submitted in the office with a small fee. One
clear calendar month's notice is required before withdrawing a student from the school. If the notice is
not given, one month's fee in lieu of the notice is to be paid.
- The transfer certificate will be issued only when the school dues have been cleared. Pupils joining
school or discontinuing in the middle of the term shall pay fees for the entire term irrespective of the
duration of the attendance.
- A week's time is to be given for the issuing of any certificate or document from the school against
specific request of the parent.